Chapter 1: General Provisions
Article 1: Purpose
The purpose of these terms and conditions specify the conditions for common subscription and use of the Internet service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) provided by the APEC Online International Environmental Technology Education Center (hereinafter referred to as “Education Center” or “ESTEN”) designated by Ministry of Environment, as well as other necessary matters.
Article 2 Definition of Terms
① “ESTEN” refers to a virtual space set up by the APEC Online International Environmental Technology Education Center to provide information services to users, and is also used as the definition of a business operator.
② “Users” refers to members and non-members who access this website and receive services provided by this website in accordance with these terms and conditions.
③ “Member” refers to a person who has been given an ID and password by providing personal information to this website in order to use the service.
④ “Member ID” refers to the combination of letters and numbers selected by the member for identification and service use.
⑤ “Password” refers to a combination of letters and numbers selected by the member to protect his/her own confidentiality.
Article 3 Clarification and Amendment of Terms and Conditions
① ESTEN posts the contents of these terms and conditions and service organizations on the initial service screen so that users can understand them. In case of revising the terms and conditions, the effective date and reason for the revision shall be specified and notified along with the current terms and conditions on the customer center screen.
② Matters not specified in these terms and conditions and interpretation of these terms and conditions shall be governed by the relevant laws or customs enacted by the government.
Article 4 Effect of Terms of Use
① These terms and conditions take effect for all users (both members and non-members) who use the ESTEN website and be notified of it via email or on the ESTEN website, etc.
Chapter 2 Service Use
Article 5 Provision and change of service
① ESTEN may change the contents of the service to be provided due to changes in technical specifications, etc. In this case, the changed service is specified and announced on the website.
② The specific types and contents of the service are subject to the conditions separately determined by the center in these terms and conditions, notices, and individual service usage guides.
③ As long as ESTEN provides the service for free, it will not compensate the user for any damage caused by the change of the service due to the change of technical specifications, etc.
Article 6 Suspension of Service
① In principle, the service is provided 24/7 (24 hours a day) unless there is a special problem in business or technology.
② In the event of maintenance, inspection, replacement, interruption of communication, breakdown of information and communication facilities such as computers, the provision of services may be temporarily suspended.
③ No compensation shall be made for damages suffered by users or third parties due to the temporary suspension of the service provision due to the reasons in Paragraph 2 above.
Article 7 Membership registration
① The user applies for membership by entering member information according to the registration form set by the center in the membership registration menu of the Internet homepage and expressing consent to these terms and conditions.
② The center registers users who have applied for membership as described in Paragraph 1, unless they fall under any of the following sub paragraphs.
- In case of false, omission or error in the registration details
- If it matches the information of an registered member
- If it is confirmed that the application for use is illegal
③ The period of establishment of the membership subscription contract shall be the time when membership registration is completed.
④ The approval in Paragraph 1 includes approval of the use of the ESTEN website and the services provided by the website.
Article 8 Member rights, information access/correction, withdrawal and loss of qualifications, etc.
① Members have the right to use the services provided by ESTEN, and there is no separate membership fee.
② ESTEN must take measures so that members can view or correct their information through the website.
③ Members can withdraw from membership at any time by applying for withdrawal through the website.
④ If a member falls under any of the following reasons, ESTEN may restrict or suspend membership.
- Application in the name of another person
- In case of attaching false documents
- In case it is difficult to approve the use due to reasons attributable to the customer applying for use
- Other cases deemed necessary by ESTEN
Article 9 Notice to Members
① When ESTEN notifies a member, it can do so with the e-mail address submitted to ESTEN by the member.
② ESTEN may substitute individual notices by posting on the bulletin board for more than one week in the case of delivering a notice to a large number of unspecified members.
Article 10 Member ID grant and change, etc.
① ESTEN grants the member ID selected by the customer who followed its terms and conditions.
② Member ID cannot be changed as a rule, and if you want to change it for inevitable reasons, you must cancel the ID and rejoin.
③ Other matters pertaining to the management and change of members' personal information are subject to the guidelines for each service.
Chapter 3 Obligations of Contracting Parties
Article 11 Obligations of ESTEN
① If ESTEN deems the opinions or complaints raised by members to be justifiable, it must be dealt with immediately. However, if immediate follow-up is difficult, the member must be notified of the reason and follow-up schedule in writing or by phone.
② ESTEN cannot use member information beyond the scope notified or specified in these terms and conditions or provide it to a third party. However, exceptions are made in the following cases.
- If there are special provisions in laws such as the Act on Real-Name Financial Transactions and Confidentiality, the Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information, the Framework Act on Telecommunications, the Telecommunications Business Act, the Local Tax Act, the Consumer Protection Act, the Bank of Korea Act, the Criminal Procedure Act, etc.
- In cases where it is necessary for statistical preparation, academic research, or market research, and when providing in a form that cannot identify a specific individual or group
③ Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, if ESTEN intends to use the member's personal group information or provide it to a third party beyond the notified or specified range, it must notify the customer individually in writing or by e-mail to obtain their consent.
④ Specific standards for protecting members' personal or group information follow the personal information protection guidelines.
Article 12 Obligations of Members
① In the event of any changes to the terms of the contract of use, such as address and contact information, the member must immediately revise it through the member management menu of the website.
② Members must protect their personal information, financial information, and other information that may cause legal problems when using the service on their own.
③ Members are obligated to compensate for damage or loss of ESTEN equipment due to their intentional action or negligence.
④ Members shall not engage in any of the following acts that harm public safety and order or good morals or fine customs
- Content that aims to commit a criminal act or instigates a criminal act
- Contents aimed at carrying out anti-state acts
- Content that harms fine customs and other social order
⑤ Members must comply with these terms and conditions and telecommunications-related laws and regulations, and must not engage in other acts that significantly impede the performance of ESTEN's business.
⑥ Members cannot use the posted materials commercially, such as processing and selling information obtained by using the service, and members are responsible for all problems arising from violations of this.
Chapter 4 Use and Restriction of Services
Article 13 Restrictions on use, etc.
① ESTEN may delete posts or restrict the use of all or part of the service if a member falls under any of the following sub paragraphs.
- In case of non-compliance with member's obligations under Article 12, Paragraph 4 or Article 12, Paragraph 5
- In case of transmitting a large amount of information for the purpose of interfering with the stable operation of the service or continuously transmitting advertisement information against the will of the recipient
- In case of distributing computer virus programs that cause malfunction of information and communication facilities or destruction of information
- In case of infringing the intellectual property rights of other members or third parties
- When there is a request for correction by the Information and Communication Ethics Committee or when the Election Commission has received an authoritative interpretation in relation to an illegal election campaign
- In case of illegal use of another person's customer number or equipment
- When a member posts pornography on his/her website or bulletin board or links to an pornographic website
- In case of causing an obstacle to the use of services by other members
- In case the member simply resells or transforms the service of ESTEN and reproduces or distributes it without prior consent of ESTEN or uses it commercially
- In case of violation of telecommunications-related laws, etc.
② In the case of restricting the use of members in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1, specific standards such as deletion of posts or types and duration of restrictions shall be determined separately.
③ If a member uses the service for criminal acts or acts that seriously infringe upon the interests of ESTEN, ESTEN may suspend the service without prior notice to the member, and the resulting data may also be deleted without the premise of recovery.
Article 14 Restriction of use and cancellation procedure
① If ESTEN intends to restrict the use according to the provisions of Article 13, the reason, date, and period shall be set and notified by e-mail, public notice, etc. 7 days prior to the suspension of use. However, there is an exception when it is recognized that it is urgently necessary to suspend the use.
② A member who has received a notice of suspension of use pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 1 may file an objection if the member raises objections against the notice of suspension of use.
③ ESTEN may temporarily postpone the suspension of use until the period for confirmation in relation to the objection pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 2, and notify the result to the member or his/her representative.
④ If it is confirmed that the reason for suspension of use is resolved during the period of suspension of use, ESTEN will immediately cancel the suspension of use.
Article 15 Succession of member status and transfer of service use rights
① In principle, members cannot use the service use rights signed with ESTEN for the purpose of succession, transfer, or gift.
② The service use rights signed with ESTEN cannot be used as the object of the bond under any circumstances.
Article 16 Termination
① When a member wishes to cancel the contract of use, he or she must directly withdraw from the membership using the [Modify Information] menu of the registered website.
② ESTEN shall give the member an opportunity to state his/her opinion by notifying the member 7 days prior to the cancellation action when the member intends to cancel the contract of use due to one of the following sub paragraphs.
In case the member violates the restrictions on use or does not resolve the reasons for the restriction within the usage restriction period
In case the Korea Communications Standards Commission requests cancellation of use
In case the member does not respond to the statement of opinion without justifiable reasons
③ ESTEN may restrict membership for a separately set period for members who have been terminated pursuant to the provisions of Paragraph 2.
Chapter 5 Compensation for Damages
Article 17 Indemnification
① ESTEN is exempted from liability for damages caused by members not having the expected benefits from ESTEN's service provision or by selecting or using service data.
② ESTEN is exempted from responsibility for the contents of materials posted or transmitted by members.
③ ESTEN is exempted from liability in case of transaction of goods between members or between users and third parties through the service as a medium.
④ If normal service cannot be provided due to unpredictable force majeure such as War, riot, civil war, enactment of laws. opening and closing or natural disaster, ESTEN is not responsible for all obligations of this Agreement.
⑤ ESTEN's obligations under the terms and conditions are limited to the user, and ESTEN is not responsible for any compensation or claim from a third party.
Article 18 Responsibilities of ESTEN in relation to additional services
① ESTEN does not establish any mutual relationship with the content provider. Therefore, ESTEN is not responsible for guarantees for transactions made between users by the service provided.
② The website provided by ESTEN, links for information provision, or advertisements placed on the website are not responsible for the warranty as in Article 18 (1).
Article 19 Attribution of copyright and restrictions on use
① Copyright and other intellectual property rights for all works posted by ESTEN belong to ESTEN or the posting provider. However, if the original author of the post is separate from ESTEN and does not share the copyright, the source is specified and the copyright of the post belongs to the original author.
② The copyright of the work posted by the member directly belongs to the member. However, the member is deemed to have granted the right to use the work on this website for free.
③ The user shall not use the information obtained from ESTEN for commerical use by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting, or other methods or allowing a third party to use it without the prior consent of ESTEN,
Article 20 Paid service
① There is no separate membership fee to use the website operated by ESTEN. However, when some services are subscription-based, it is sufficiently notified through the website before implementation, and separate terms and conditions are prepared and ask for agreement from the member for the fee, payment method, conditions, etc. to obtain a paid service use contract.
② Members who wish to use the paid service must pay the fee according to the fee system.
Article 21 Dispute Settlement
① If a user has any complaints or wants to present an opinion regarding the use of ESTEN, he or she may submit an opinion to the customer ESTEN.
② ESTEN treats complaints and opinions submitted by users with priority. However, if prompt follow-up is difficult, the reason and follow-up schedule will be immediately notified to the user.
Article 22 Court of competent jurisdiction
If a lawsuit is filed against a dispute between the user and ESTEN caused by the use of the service, the court in the location of the Korea Environmental Industry & Technology Institute, the operating organization of ESTEN, shall be the competent court.
Supplementary Provision
Article 17 Indemnification
① The previous terms and conditions are replaced by these terms and conditions, and subscribers before the effective date of the amended terms and conditions are also subject to the amended terms and conditions.
② In principle, ESTEN is not responsible for matters not specified in the Terms of Use.
③ ESTEN is not responsible for any problems that occur when online service members use various additional services provided by ESTEN, use of e-mail accounts, or information acquired through online services.
④ ESTEN may delete the user ID and take legal action if it recurs after the first warning about the act of an online service member sending a commercial advertisement, pyramid, abusive language, gossip, etc., against the will of the recipient.
⑤ ESTEN can immediately delete the user ID and request legal action from the relevant authorities without prior notice when an online service member sends a large amount of mail using an automatic mail delivery program, selling illegal S/W or obscene CDs, or sending e-mails that infringe on personal personality or unfounded group slander,
For matters not stipulated in these Terms of Use, separate guidelines for each service, such as the ESTEN operating regulations, are posted on the website or service start page, and in principle, they will be followed.
These terms and conditions take effect from the opening date of the website.